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Surgery for Men

VASER Lipo® is the latest technology in body sculpturing and is the alternative to traditional liposuction. VASER Lipo® uses ultrasound energy to break up fat leaving veins, nerves, blood vessels, and surrounding tissue relatively intact. This gives smooth, beautiful results, along with faster healing times, minimal pain, swelling or bruising, and shorter convalescence times.

The procedure melts fat with the ultrasound probe. The fat is then removed with suction and massage using cannulas designed to give minimal tissue trauma. VASER Lipo® is performed under local anaesthetic, and is a day case – not requiring an overnight stay at the Hospital.

Results are immediate, recovery times are measured in mere days, and only minor swelling for approximately a week. As the swelling subsides, the results continue to improve for up to six months, as collagen grows and tightens the skin.

The most body popular areas for VASER Lipo® with women are the abdomen, hips, inner thighs, outer thighs, buttocks, and underarm. With men, the most popular areas are the abdomen, love handles, and excess breast tissue (often referred to as ‘man boobs’). This unique procedure allows the surgeon to act with such precision that even delicate areas, such as the chin and knees, can be shaped.

Traditional Liposuction versus VASER Lipo®


 Traditional Liposuction

 VASER Lipo®

 Hospital stay



 General anaesthetic



 Major bruising and swelling



 Significant pain



At the time of your consultation at the Alexandra Private Hospital, your surgeon will discuss the various options available to you, in line with your specific medical circumstances. You should always feel free to ask your surgeon any questions that you have regarding the surgery, and discuss any areas that may seem unclear. The goal of your surgeon and the Hospital staff is to make your entire experience as comfortable, and worry-free as possible.


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- Love from Fay